What if there was software to facilitate computational analysis, replicability, transparency, Open Access publication, standardization and research dissemination?

Lifting the lid
We want to help scholars lift the lid on ‘black box’ technologies, take ownership of their interventions, and embrace their role in the process of knowledge production
Opening the so-called 'black box' is the focus of The DharpaProject, the ambitious five-year research project I joined in January 2020 at the Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) - University of Luxembourg. At Dharpa, we are developing user-friendly techniques and tools to operationalize self-reflexive, reproducible scholarship in DH.
Outreach & Infrastructure
A responsive laboratory to rapidly prototype and launch applied solutions
Through training and a user-friendly digital platform, we ensure that our tools will work in tandem with scholarly digital expertise to leverage critical historical practice. In this, the first year of the project, we have already accomplished a lot as a team. For instance, we have defined how the critical orientation of the project will be embedded in the software and identified the technical challenges for implementing it. We have also devised the backbone of the software interface: a methodological framework for assisting historians throughout the entire digital research workflow and developed a digital use case that proves its feasibility. We are also establishing our initial outreach program which I am coordinating.
Be part of the story
Dharpa will open up a conversation with the wider DH community. Check the Dharpa's website or follow us on Twitter to be part of it!